Intriguing, revealing, and ranging from haunting valleys to high-altitude Andean peaks, this is a journey by road, rail, and air, from the capital, Lima, to the cobbled streets of Cuzco, exploring Peru’s Inca heritage in the Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, and Lake Titicaca
Day 1
Fly overnight to Lima via Madrid.
Key: B - Breakfast L - Lunch D - Dinner
This is a full itinerary with many visits on foot including some uneven surfaces and inclines.
Entry to Machu Picchu is restricted and early booking is recommended.
On Day 5, your main luggage is transported to Cuzco so an overnight bag is needed for the Machu Picchu stay (max. 5kgs).
Day 8 includes a long transfer with sightseeing en route.
Part of your itinerary will be travelling at altitude. We therefore strongly recommend that anyone, regardless of age, should consult their doctor to ensure that they are fully fit and understand the effects of travelling at altitude. This is absolutely essential if you have any pre-existing heart conditions, anaemia or lung problems.